Economic Inequality and Poverty

Poverty rises from inequality that stands up on economic imbalances. Poverty is all about inaccessability to economic resources and mismanagement of economic policy. A state governs it to keep the stability of its political condition and wealth sustainability. In two last decades, or since 2008 until 2014, the numbers of poor people in Indonesia decreased from 0,15% or more, but that was not significant to observe how the real poverty condition. Misconception and misinterpretation to the data always adhere policy.

Based on the BPS data, poor people in Indonesia are 11,25% or equivalent of 28,60 billion people live under $2 per day in 2014. On the other hand, rural area reveals that is no declining amounts of poor people. Poverty, sometimes, is not quantitative standart, because life is always qualitative dimention. Since SBY until Jokowi, economic policy  has been only nudged the middle class, thus inequality persists. Afterward economic intervention by foreign subject is easy to enter and exploit its internal resources.

Recent condition about poverty on the frame of political economic policy disclosed state deligitimation when it faced a foreign pressure. When state loses to control market and multinational trading, it cannot control and manage taxes which are a significant income for an estimate cost of one year government. This condition affects internal legitimation that disturbs sovereign working. Therefore, Indonesia has social disasters that Chomsky mentioned them as socializing cost, sharing risk, and centralizing provit. Consequently, amounts of middle class increased whilst the numbers of poor citizen rised.

Social experiments to eradicate poverty in Indonesia are sharing provit under state control, opening access to resources, minimizing risk, and applying high taxes for multinational coorporations which exploit our land, seas, and air. These methods guarantee us to enhance our quality of life, remembering that social, political, and cultural problems always have gone up from economic problem.

People organize themselves to build a state and arrange an absolute rules for protecting their group from social catastrophic. Nowadays, political concept focuses to construc its structure in administrative level. In society level, by contrast, deconstrucs it. As a result, society feel stateless without thinking how to reconstruc it. In conclusion, the way to resolve this problem is reforming state position and restating society consciousness to control their nation truly. Because the real politicians in a country are society who live in.

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